C++ || Snippet – Simple Linked List Using Delete, Insert, & Display Functions

The following is sample code for a simple linked list, which implements the following functions: “Delete, Insert, and Display.”
The sample code provided on this page is a stripped down version of a more robust linked list class which was previously discussed on this site. Sample code for that can be found here.
It is recommended you check that out as the functions implemented within that class are very useful.
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// ============================================================================ // Author: Kenneth Perkins // Date: Aug 18, 2012 // Taken From: http://programmingnotes.org/ // File: SimpleList.cpp // Description: Demonstrates the use of a simple linked list. // ============================================================================ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct node { /* -- you can use different data types here -- instead of just a string char letter; int number; double fNumber; */ string name; node* next; }; // global variables // this is the front of the list node* head = NULL; // function prototype void Insert(string info); void Delete(string info); void Display(); void DestroyList(); int main() { // if you want to insert data into the list // this is one way you can do it, using a 'temp' pointer node* temp = new node; temp->name = "My Programming Notes"; temp->next = NULL; // set the head node to the data thats in the 'temp' pointer head = temp; // display data to the screen cout << head->name <<endl<<endl; // use the insert function to add new data to the list // NOTE: you could have also used the 'insert' function ^ above // to place data into the list Insert("Is An Awesome Site!"); // insert more data into the list Insert("August"); Display(); // delete the selected text from the list Delete("August"); Display(); // destroy the current pointers in the list // after you are finished using them DestroyList(); return 0; }// end of main void Insert(string info) { node* newItem = new node; newItem->name = info; newItem->next = NULL; // if the list is empty, add new item to the front if(head == NULL) { head = newItem; } else // if the list isnt empty, add new item to the end { node* iter = head; while(iter->next != NULL) { iter = iter->next; } iter->next = newItem; } }// end of Insert void Delete(string info) { node* iter = head; // if the list is empty, do nothing if(head == NULL) { return; } // delete the first item in the list else if(head->name == info) { head = head->next; delete iter; } // search the list until we find the desired item else { while(iter->next != NULL) { if(iter->next->name == info) { node* deleteNode = iter->next; iter->next = iter->next->next; delete deleteNode; break; } iter = iter->next; } } }// end of Delete void Display() { node* iter = head; // traverse thru the list, displaying the // text at each node location while(iter != NULL) { cout<<iter->name<<endl; iter = iter->next; } cout<<endl; }// end of Display void DestroyList() { if(head != NULL) { cout << "\n\nDestroying nodes...\n"; while(head != NULL) { node* temp = head; cout << temp->name <<endl; head = head->next; delete temp; } } }// http://programmingnotes.org/ |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
Once compiled, you should get this as your output
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Is An Awesome Site!
My Programming Notes
Is An Awesome Site!Destroying nodes...
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