VB.NET || How To Convert An Array/List/IEnumerable To A DataTable & Convert A DataTable To A List Using VB.NET

The following is a module with functions which demonstrates how to convert an Array/List/IEnumerable to a DataTable, and how to convert a DataTable to a List using VB.NET.
1. Overview
2. Convert To DataTable - Integer Array
3. Convert To DataTable - List Of Strings
4. Convert To DataTable - List Of Objects
5. Convert To List - Integer DataTable
6. Convert To List - String DataTable
7. Convert To List - Multi-Column DataTable
8. Utils Namespace
9. More Examples
1. Overview
The functions demonstrated on this page are generic extension methods which uses reflection to convert a DataTable to a List(Of T) and an Array/List/IEnumerable to a DataTable.
These functions work on primitive data types, custom structure and class object fields and properties, as well as DBNull.Value, and nullable arrays and lists.
Note: Don’t forget to include the ‘Utils Namespace‘ before running the examples!
2. Convert To DataTable – Integer Array
The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils.Collections.ToDataTable‘ to convert a nullable integer array to a datatable.
When converting nullable types, their value is represented as DBNull in the returned table.
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' Convert To DataTable - Integer Array Imports Utils.Collections ' Declare array of integers Dim numbers = New Integer?() {Nothing, 1987, 19, 22, 2009, 2019, 1991, 28, 31} ' Convert array to a datatable Dim tableNumbers = numbers.ToDataTable ' For primitive types, access data using the 'value' key For Each row As DataRow In tableNumbers.Rows Debug.Print($"{If(IsDBNull(row("value")), "[DBNull.Value]", row("value"))}") Next ' expected output: ' [DBNull.Value] ' 1987 ' 19 ' 22 ' 2009 ' 2019 ' 1991 ' 28 ' 31 |
3. Convert To DataTable – List Of Strings
The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils.Collections.ToDataTable‘ to convert a list of strings to a datatable.
When converting nullable types, their value is represented as DBNull in the returned table.
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' Convert To DataTable - List Of Strings Imports Utils.Collections ' Declare list of strings Dim names = New List(Of String) From { "Kenneth", "Jennifer", "Lynn", "Sole", Nothing } ' Convert list to a datatable Dim tableNames = names.ToDataTable ' For primitive types, access data using the 'value' key For Each row As DataRow In tableNames.Rows Debug.Print($"{If(IsDBNull(row("value")), "[DBNull.Value]", row("value"))}") Next ' expected output: ' Kenneth ' Jennifer ' Lynn ' Sole ' [DBNull.Value] |
4. Convert To DataTable – List Of Objects
The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils.Collections.ToDataTable‘ to convert a list of custom objects to a datatable.
A class is used in this example, but a custom structure also works here as well.
When converting nullable types, their value is represented as DBNull in the returned table.
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' Convert To DataTable - List Of Objects Imports Utils.Collections Public Class Part Public Property PartName As String Public PartId As Integer? End Class ' Declare list of objects Dim parts = New List(Of Part) From { New Part With { .PartName = "crank arm", .PartId = 1234 }, New Part With { .PartName = "chain ring", .PartId = 1334 }, New Part With { .PartName = "regular seat", .PartId = 1434 }, New Part With { .PartName = "banana seat", .PartId = 1444 }, New Part With { .PartName = "cassette", .PartId = 1534 }, New Part With { .PartName = "shift lever", .PartId = 1634 }, New Part With { .PartName = Nothing, .PartId = Nothing }} ' Convert list to a datatable Dim tableParts = parts.ToDataTable ' For non primitive types, access data using the class property names For Each row As DataRow In tableParts.Rows Debug.Print($"{If(IsDBNull(row("PartId")), "[DBNull.Value]", row("PartId"))} - {If(IsDBNull(row("PartName")), "[DBNull.Value]", row("PartName"))}") Next ' expected output: ' 1234 - crank arm ' 1334 - chain ring ' 1434 - regular seat ' 1444 - banana seat ' 1534 - cassette ' 1634 - shift lever ' [DBNull.Value] - [DBNull.Value] |
5. Convert To List – Integer DataTable
The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils.Collections.ToList‘ to convert a datatable to a List(Of Integer?).
When converting DBNull types, their value is represented as ‘Nothing‘ in the returned list.
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' Convert To List - Integer DataTable Imports Utils.Collections ' Declare datatable of integers Dim tableNumbers = New DataTable tableNumbers.Columns.Add("Number", GetType(Integer)) tableNumbers.Rows.Add(System.DBNull.Value) tableNumbers.Rows.Add(1987) tableNumbers.Rows.Add(19) tableNumbers.Rows.Add(22) tableNumbers.Rows.Add(2009) tableNumbers.Rows.Add(2019) tableNumbers.Rows.Add(1991) tableNumbers.Rows.Add(28) tableNumbers.Rows.Add(31) ' Convert datatable to a list. ' When converting to a primitive type, only the first column is returned Dim listNumbers = tableNumbers.ToList(Of Integer?) ' Loop through the items in the returned list For Each item In listNumbers Debug.Print($"{If(item Is Nothing, "[Nothing]", item.ToString)}") Next ' expected output: ' [Nothing] ' 1987 ' 19 ' 22 ' 2009 ' 2019 ' 1991 ' 28 ' 31 |
6. Convert To List – String DataTable
The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils.Collections.ToList‘ to convert a datatable to a List(Of String).
When converting DBNull types, their value is represented as ‘Nothing‘ in the returned list.
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' Convert To List - String DataTable Imports Utils.Collections ' Declare datatable of strings Dim tableNames = New DataTable tableNames.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String)) tableNames.Rows.Add("Kenneth") tableNames.Rows.Add("Jennifer") tableNames.Rows.Add("Lynn") tableNames.Rows.Add("Sole") tableNames.Rows.Add(System.DBNull.Value) ' Convert datatable to a list. ' When converting to a primitive type, only the first column is returned Dim listNames = tableNames.ToList(Of String) ' Loop through the items in the returned list For Each item In listNames Debug.Print($"{If(item Is Nothing, "[Nothing]", item.ToString)}") Next ' expected output: ' Kenneth ' Jennifer ' Lynn ' Sole ' [Nothing] |
7. Convert To List – Multi-Column DataTable
The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils.Collections.ToList‘ to convert a datatable to a List(Of Object).
A class is used in this example, but a custom structure also works here as well.
When converting DBNull types, their value is represented as ‘Nothing‘ in the returned list.
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' Convert To List - Multi-Column DataTable Imports Utils.Collections Public Class Part Public Property PartName As String Public PartId As Integer? End Class ' Declare multi column datatable Dim tableParts = New DataTable tableParts.Columns.Add("PartName", GetType(String)) tableParts.Columns.Add("PartId", GetType(Integer)) tableParts.Rows.Add({"crank arm", 1234}) tableParts.Rows.Add({"chain ring", 1334}) tableParts.Rows.Add({"regular seat", 1434}) tableParts.Rows.Add({"banana seat", 1444}) tableParts.Rows.Add({"cassette", 1534}) tableParts.Rows.Add({"shift lever", 1634}) tableParts.Rows.Add({System.DBNull.Value, System.DBNull.Value}) ' Convert datatable to a list. ' When converting to an object, all matching columns are returned Dim listParts = tableParts.ToList(Of Part) ' Access properties like normal For Each item In listParts Debug.Print($"{If(item.PartId Is Nothing, "[Nothing]", item.PartId.ToString)} - {If(item.PartName Is Nothing, "[Nothing]", item.PartName.ToString)}") Next ' expected output: ' 1234 - crank arm ' 1334 - chain ring ' 1434 - regular seat ' 1444 - banana seat ' 1534 - cassette ' 1634 - shift lever ' [Nothing] - [Nothing] |
8. Utils Namespace
The following is the Utils Namespace. Include this in your project to start using!
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' ============================================================================ ' Author: Kenneth Perkins ' Date: Nov 13, 2020 ' Taken From: http://programmingnotes.org/ ' File: Utils.vb ' Description: Handles general utility functions ' ============================================================================ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Namespace Global.Utils Namespace Collections Public Module modCollections ''' <summary> ''' Returns a List(Of T) of the items contained in the DataTable ''' </summary> ''' <param name="source">The DataTable to convert to a List(Of T)</param> ''' <returns>A List(Of T) with the contents of the DataTable</returns> <Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> Public Function ToList(Of T)(source As DataTable) As List(Of T) Dim type = GetType(T) Dim list = New List(Of T) Dim isPrimitive = IsPrimitiveType(type) Dim members = New List(Of System.Reflection.MemberInfo) If Not isPrimitive Then members.AddRange(type.GetProperties) members.AddRange(type.GetFields) End If ' Convert data rows to the object For Each row As DataRow In source.Rows Dim obj = CreateObject(Of T)(isPrimitive, row, members) list.Add(obj) Next Return list End Function ''' <summary> ''' Returns a DataTable of the items contained in the IEnumerable(Of T) ''' </summary> ''' <param name="source">The IEnumerable list to convert to a DataTable</param> ''' <returns>A DataTable with the contents of the IEnumerable(Of T)</returns> <Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> Public Function ToDataTable(Of T)(source As IEnumerable(Of T)) As DataTable Dim type = GetType(T) Dim table = New DataTable(type.Name) Dim isPrimitive = IsPrimitiveType(type) Dim primitiveColumnName = "value" Dim members = New List(Of System.Reflection.MemberInfo) If Not isPrimitive Then Dim flags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance Or System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public members.AddRange(type.GetProperties(flags)) members.AddRange(type.GetFields(flags)) End If ' Build the header rows BuildColumns(Of T)(isPrimitive, primitiveColumnName, table, members) ' Add the data rows For Each item In source Dim row = CreateRow(isPrimitive, primitiveColumnName, item, table, members) table.Rows.Add(row) Next Return table End Function Private Sub BuildColumns(Of T)(isPrimitive As Boolean, primitiveColumnName As String, table As DataTable, members As IEnumerable(Of System.Reflection.MemberInfo)) If isPrimitive Then AddColumn(table, primitiveColumnName, GetType(T)) Else For Each member In members AddColumn(table, member.Name, GetMemberDataType(member)) Next End If End Sub Private Sub AddColumn(table As DataTable, columnName As String, type As System.Type) table.Columns.Add(columnName, If(IsNullable(type), System.Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type), type)) End Sub Private Function CreateRow(Of T)(isPrimitive As Boolean, primitiveColumnName As String, obj As T, table As DataTable, members As IEnumerable(Of System.Reflection.MemberInfo)) As DataRow Dim row = table.NewRow If isPrimitive Then SetRowValue(row, primitiveColumnName, obj) Else For Each member In members Dim value = If(CanRead(member), GetMemberValue(obj, member), Nothing) SetRowValue(row, member.Name, value) Next End If Return row End Function Private Sub SetRowValue(row As DataRow, columnName As String, value As Object) row(columnName) = If(value Is Nothing, System.DBNull.Value, value) End Sub Private Function CreateObject(Of T)(isPrimitive As Boolean, row As DataRow, members As IEnumerable(Of System.Reflection.MemberInfo)) As T Dim obj As T If isPrimitive Then SetObjectValue(isPrimitive, obj, row(0)) Else obj = System.Activator.CreateInstance(Of T)() For Each column As DataColumn In row.Table.Columns Dim member = members.FirstOrDefault(Function(x) x.Name.ToLower = column.ColumnName.ToLower) If member Is Nothing _ OrElse Not CanWrite(member) Then Continue For End If Dim value = row(column.ColumnName) SetObjectValue(isPrimitive, obj, value, member) Next End If Return obj End Function Private Sub SetObjectValue(Of T)(isPrimitive As Boolean, ByRef obj As T, value As Object, Optional member As System.Reflection.MemberInfo = Nothing) If IsDBNull(value) Then Dim type = If(isPrimitive, GetType(T), GetMemberDataType(member)) Dim nullValue = If(IsNullable(type), Nothing, GetDefaultValue(type)) If isPrimitive Then obj = CType(nullValue, T) Else SetObjectValue(obj, member, nullValue) End If Else If isPrimitive Then obj = CType(value, T) Else SetObjectValue(obj, member, value) End If End If End Sub Private Sub SetObjectValue(Of T)(ByRef obj As T, member As System.Reflection.MemberInfo, value As Object) ' Boxing method used for modifying structures Dim boxed = If(obj.GetType.IsValueType, CType(obj, Object), obj) SetMemberValue(boxed, member, value) obj = CType(boxed, T) End Sub Private Sub SetMemberValue(Of T)(ByRef obj As T, member As System.Reflection.MemberInfo, value As Object) If IsProperty(member) Then Dim prop = CType(member, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo) If prop.SetMethod IsNot Nothing Then prop.SetValue(obj, value) End If ElseIf IsField(member) Then Dim field = CType(member, System.Reflection.FieldInfo) field.SetValue(obj, value) End If End Sub Private Function GetMemberValue(obj As Object, member As System.Reflection.MemberInfo) As Object Dim result As Object = Nothing If IsProperty(member) Then Dim prop = CType(member, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo) result = prop.GetValue(obj, If(prop.GetIndexParameters.Count = 1, New Object() {Nothing}, Nothing)) ElseIf IsField(member) Then Dim field = CType(member, System.Reflection.FieldInfo) result = field.GetValue(obj) End If Return result End Function Private Function GetDefaultValue(type As System.Type) As Object Return Conversion.CTypeDynamic(Nothing, type) End Function Private Function IsPrimitiveType(type As System.Type) As Boolean Return type.IsPrimitive _ OrElse type.IsEnum _ OrElse (type.IsValueType AndAlso Not IsCustomStructure(type)) _ OrElse IsType(type, GetType(String)) End Function Private Function IsCustomStructure(type As System.Type) As Boolean Dim result = type.IsValueType AndAlso Not type.IsPrimitive _ AndAlso (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type.Namespace) _ OrElse Not type.Namespace.StartsWith("System") _ OrElse Not type.FullName.StartsWith("System.")) _ AndAlso Not System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(type).Location.ToLower.Contains("microsoft") Return result End Function Private Function IsNullable(type As System.Type) As Boolean Return System.Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) IsNot Nothing End Function Private Function GetMemberDataType(member As System.Reflection.MemberInfo) As System.Type Dim result As System.Type = Nothing If IsProperty(member) Then result = CType(member, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo).PropertyType ElseIf IsField(member) Then result = CType(member, System.Reflection.FieldInfo).FieldType End If Return result End Function Private Function CanWrite(member As System.Reflection.MemberInfo) As Boolean Return If(IsProperty(member), CType(member, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo).CanWrite, IsField(member)) End Function Private Function CanRead(member As System.Reflection.MemberInfo) As Boolean Return If(IsProperty(member), CType(member, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo).CanRead, IsField(member)) End Function Private Function IsProperty(member As System.Reflection.MemberInfo) As Boolean Return IsType(member.GetType, GetType(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)) End Function Private Function IsField(member As System.Reflection.MemberInfo) As Boolean Return IsType(member.GetType, GetType(System.Reflection.FieldInfo)) End Function Private Function IsType(type As System.Type, targetType As System.Type) As Boolean Return type.Equals(targetType) OrElse type.IsSubclassOf(targetType) End Function End Module End Namespace End Namespace ' http://programmingnotes.org/ |
9. More Examples
Below are more examples demonstrating the use of the ‘Utils‘ Namespace. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!
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' ============================================================================ ' Author: Kenneth Perkins ' Date: Nov 13, 2020 ' Taken From: http://programmingnotes.org/ ' File: Program.vb ' Description: The following demonstrates the use of the Utils Namespace ' ============================================================================ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Imports System Imports Utils.Collections Module Program Public Class Part Public Property PartName As String Public PartId As Integer? End Class Sub Main(args As String()) Try ' Declare array of integers Dim numbers = New Integer?() {Nothing, 1987, 19, 22, 2009, 2019, 1991, 28, 31} ' Convert array to a datatable Dim tableNumbers = numbers.ToDataTable ' For primitive types, access data using the 'value' key For Each row As DataRow In tableNumbers.Rows Display($"{If(IsDBNull(row("value")), "[DBNull.Value]", row("value"))}") Next Display("") ' Declare list of strings Dim names = New List(Of String) From { "Kenneth", "Jennifer", "Lynn", "Sole", Nothing } ' Convert list to a datatable Dim tableNames = names.ToDataTable ' For primitive types, access data using the 'value' key For Each row As DataRow In tableNames.Rows Display($"{If(IsDBNull(row("value")), "[DBNull.Value]", row("value"))}") Next Display("") ' Declare list of objects Dim parts = New List(Of Part) From { New Part With { .PartName = "crank arm", .PartId = 1234 }, New Part With { .PartName = "chain ring", .PartId = 1334 }, New Part With { .PartName = "regular seat", .PartId = 1434 }, New Part With { .PartName = "banana seat", .PartId = 1444 }, New Part With { .PartName = "cassette", .PartId = 1534 }, New Part With { .PartName = "shift lever", .PartId = 1634 }, New Part With { .PartName = Nothing, .PartId = Nothing }} ' Convert list to a datatable Dim tableParts = parts.ToDataTable ' For non primitive types, access data using the class property names For Each row As DataRow In tableParts.Rows Display($"{If(IsDBNull(row("PartId")), "[DBNull.Value]", row("PartId"))} - {If(IsDBNull(row("PartName")), "[DBNull.Value]", row("PartName"))}") Next Display("'==========================") '========================== ' Declare datatable of integers Dim dtblNumbers = New DataTable dtblNumbers.Columns.Add("Number", GetType(Integer)) dtblNumbers.Rows.Add(System.DBNull.Value) dtblNumbers.Rows.Add(1987) dtblNumbers.Rows.Add(19) dtblNumbers.Rows.Add(22) dtblNumbers.Rows.Add(2009) dtblNumbers.Rows.Add(2019) dtblNumbers.Rows.Add(1991) dtblNumbers.Rows.Add(28) dtblNumbers.Rows.Add(31) ' Convert datatable to a list. ' When converting to a primitive type, only the first column is returned Dim listNumbers = dtblNumbers.ToList(Of Integer?) ' Loop through the items in the returned list For Each item In listNumbers Display($"{If(item Is Nothing, "[Nothing]", item.ToString)}") Next Display("") ' Declare datatable of strings Dim dtblNames = New DataTable dtblNames.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String)) dtblNames.Rows.Add("Kenneth") dtblNames.Rows.Add("Jennifer") dtblNames.Rows.Add("Lynn") dtblNames.Rows.Add("Sole") dtblNames.Rows.Add(System.DBNull.Value) ' Convert datatable to a list. ' When converting to a primitive type, only the first column is returned Dim listNames = dtblNames.ToList(Of String) ' Loop through the items in the returned list For Each item In listNames Display($"{If(item Is Nothing, "[Nothing]", item.ToString)}") Next Display("") ' Declare multi column datatable Dim dtblParts = New DataTable dtblParts.Columns.Add("PartName", GetType(String)) dtblParts.Columns.Add("PartId", GetType(Integer)) dtblParts.Rows.Add({"crank arm", 1234}) dtblParts.Rows.Add({"chain ring", 1334}) dtblParts.Rows.Add({"regular seat", 1434}) dtblParts.Rows.Add({"banana seat", 1444}) dtblParts.Rows.Add({"cassette", 1534}) dtblParts.Rows.Add({"shift lever", 1634}) dtblParts.Rows.Add({System.DBNull.Value, System.DBNull.Value}) ' Convert datatable to a list. ' When converting to an object, all matching columns are returned Dim listParts = dtblParts.ToList(Of Part) ' Access properties like normal For Each item In listParts Display($"{If(item.PartId Is Nothing, "[Nothing]", item.PartId.ToString)} - {If(item.PartName Is Nothing, "[Nothing]", item.PartName.ToString)}") Next Display("") Catch ex As Exception Display(ex.ToString) Finally Console.ReadLine() End Try End Sub Public Sub Display(message As String) Console.WriteLine(message) Debug.Print(message) End Sub End Module ' http://programmingnotes.org/ |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
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