C++ || Snippet – Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort & Merge Sort Sample Code For Integer Arrays

This page consists of algorithms for sorting integer arrays. Highlighted on this page are Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, and Merge Sort.

In terms of performance and speed, the sorting algorithms on this page will be listed from the (on average) worst, to best case implementations.

Selection sort and Insertion sort are two simple sorting algorithms which are often more efficient than Bubble Sort, though all three techniques aren’t the top of the class algorithmically for sorting large data sets.

====== BUBBLE SORT ======


Original array values
91 65 53 93 54 41 69 76 55 90 10 62
The current sorted array
10 41 53 54 55 62 65 69 76 90 91 93

====== SELECTION SORT ======


Original array values
87 74 58 64 4 43 23 16 3 93 9 80
The current sorted array
3 4 9 16 23 43 58 64 74 80 87 93

====== INSERTION SORT ======


Original array values
97 80 94 74 10 38 87 7 87 14 3 97
The current sorted array
3 7 10 14 38 74 80 87 87 94 97 97

====== QUICK SORT ======

Quicksort is one of the fastest sorting algorithms, and is often the best practical choice for sorting, as its average expected running time for large data sets is more efficient than the previously discussed methods.


Original array values
50 94 1 16 51 63 41 17 70 28 6 34
The current sorted array
1 6 16 17 28 34 41 50 51 63 70 94

====== MERGE SORT ======

Merge sort is a fast, stable sorting routine which, in the worst case, does about (on average) 39% fewer comparisons than quick sort.


Original array values
18 46 41 30 84 97 54 49 19 32 70 30
The current sorted array
18 19 30 30 32 41 46 49 54 70 84 97

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One Response to C++ || Snippet – Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort & Merge Sort Sample Code For Integer Arrays

  1. Avatar putri says:

    I see you’re code but why if we want to be they are in one main ? I mean the selection,insertion,bubble,merge sort in the one program ?

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