Monthly Archives: February 2021

C++ || How To Round A Number To The Nearest X Using C++

The following is a module with functions which demonstrates how to round a number to the nearest X using C++.

This function has the ability to either round a number to the nearest amount, always round up, or always round down. For example, when dealing with money, this is good for rounding a dollar amount to the nearest 5 cents.

This function can be used to round a number up or down by any step amount.

1. Round – Nearest

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::roundAmount‘ to round a number to the nearest 5 cents.

The optional function parameter determines they type of rounding to perform.

2. Round – Up

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::roundAmount‘ to always round a number up to the nearest 5 cents.

The optional function parameter determines they type of rounding to perform.

3. Round – Down

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::roundAmount‘ to always round a number down to the nearest 5 cents.

The optional function parameter determines they type of rounding to perform.

4. Utils Namespace

The following is the Utils Namespace. Include this in your project to start using!

5. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of the ‘Utils‘ Namespace. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

C++ || How To Split & Batch An Array/Vector/Container Into Smaller Sub-Lists Of N Size Using C++

The following is a module with functions which demonstrates how to split/batch an array/vector/container into smaller sublists of n size using C++.

The function demonstrated on this page is a template, so it should work on containers of any type. It uses a simple for loop to group items into batches.

1. Partition – Integer Array

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::partition‘ to group an integer array into batches.

2. Partition – String Vector

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::partition‘ to group a string vector into batches.

3. Partition – Custom Object Vector

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::partition‘ to group a custom object vector into batches.

4. Utils Namespace

The following is the Utils Namespace. Include this in your project to start using!

5. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of the ‘Utils‘ Namespace. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

C++ || How To Shuffle & Randomize An Array/Vector/Container Using C++

The following is a module with functions which demonstrates how to randomize and shuffle the contents of an array/vector/container using C++.

The following template function is a wrapper for the std::shuffle function.

1. Shuffle – Integer Array

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::shuffle‘ to randomize an integer array.

2. Shuffle – String Vector

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::shuffle‘ to randomize a string vector.

3. Shuffle – Custom Object Vector

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::shuffle‘ to randomize a custom object vector.

4. Utils Namespace

The following is the Utils Namespace. Include this in your project to start using!

5. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of the ‘Utils‘ Namespace. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

C++ || How To Find The Day Of The Week You Were Born Using C++

The following is a program which demonstrates how to find the day of week you were born using C++.

The program demonstrated on this page is an updated version of a previous program of the same type.


Zeller's congruence
#include Utils.h
A Calendar

1. Overview

This program prompts the user for their name, date of birth (month, day, year), and then displays information back to them via cout. Once the program obtains selected information from the user, it will use simple math to determine the day of the week in which the user was born, and determine the day of the week their current birthday will be for the current calendar year. The program will also display to the user their current age, along with re-displaying their name back to them.

2. When Were You Born?

Note: This program uses functions in a custom .h header file #include “Utils.h”. To obtain the code for that file, click here.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output:
Note: The code was compiled four separate times to display the different outputs its able to produce

Please enter your name: My Programming Notes
Please enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): 1
Please enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): 1
Please enter the year you were born: 2012

Hello My Programming Notes. Here are some facts about you!
You were born January 1 2012
Your birth took place on a Sunday
This year (2021) your birthday will take place on a Friday
You currently are, or will be 9 years old this year!


Please enter your name: Jennifer
Please enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): 1
Please enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): 27
Please enter the year you were born: 1991

Hello Jennifer. Here are some facts about you!
You were born January 27 1991
Your birth took place on a Sunday
This year (2021) your birthday will take place on a Wednesday
You currently are, or will be 30 years old this year!


Please enter your name: Kenneth
Please enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): 7
Please enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): 28
Please enter the year you were born: 1987

Hello Kenneth. Here are some facts about you!
You were born July 28 1987
Your birth took place on a Tuesday
This year (2021) your birthday will take place on a Wednesday
You currently are, or will be 34 years old this year!


Please enter your name: Name
Please enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): 12
Please enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): 35
An error occurred: Invalid birth date entered: '35'

C++ || How To Get The Day Of The Week & The Week Day Name From A Date Using C++

The following is a module with functions which demonstrates how to get the day of the week and the week day name from a given date using C++.

The function demonstrated on this page uses Zeller’s congruence to determine the day of the week from a given date.

1. Week Day

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::getWeekday‘ to get the day of week for a given date. The following function returns a value from a DayOfWeek enum, which represents the day of the week for the given parameters.

The following are possible values that are returned from this function:

• 0 = Sunday
• 1 = Monday
• 2 = Tuesday
• 3 = Wednesday
• 4 = Thursday
• 5 = Friday
• 6 = Saturday

2. Week Day Name

The example below demonstrates the use of ‘Utils::getWeekdayName‘ to get the name of the day of week for the given date.

The following are possible values that are returned from this function:

• Sunday
• Monday
• Tuesday
• Wednesday
• Thursday
• Friday
• Saturday

3. Utils Namespace

The following is the Utils Namespace. Include this in your project to start using!

4. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of the ‘Utils‘ Namespace. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

C++ || Simple Multi Digit, Decimal & Negative Number Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation

The following is sample code which demonstrates the implementation of a multi digit, decimal, and negative number infix to postfix converter and evaluator using C++.

The program demonstrated on this page has the ability to convert and evaluate a single digit, multi digit, decimal number, and/or negative number infix equation. So for example, if the the infix equation of (19.87 * -2) was entered into the program, the converted postfix expression of 19.87 -2 * would display to the screen, as well as the final evaluated answer of -39.74.


How To Convert Infix To Postfix
How To Evaluate A Postfix Expression

1. Overview

The program demonstrated on this page is different from a previous implementation of the same type in that this version does not use a Finite State Machine during the conversion process, which simplifies the implemetation!

This program has the following flow of control:

• Get an infix expression from the user
• Convert the infix expression to postfix & isolate all of the math operators, multi digit, decimal, negative and single digit numbers that are found in the postfix expression
• Evaluate the postfix expression by breaking the infix string into tokens found from the above step
• Display the evaluated answer to the screen

The above steps are implemented below.

2. Infix To Posfix Conversion & Evaluation

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

The following is sample output.

====== RUN 1 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: 12/3*9

The Infix expression = 12/3*9
The Postfix expression = 12 3 / 9 *

12/3 = 4
4*9 = 36

Final answer = 36

====== RUN 2 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: -150.89996 - 87.56643

The Infix expression = -150.89996 - 87.56643
The Postfix expression = -150.89996 87.56643 -

-150.9-87.5664 = -238.466

Final answer = -238.466

====== RUN 3 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

The Infix expression = ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))
The Postfix expression = -4 5 ^ s 1.4 * 23 2 + $ -2.8 - / 1 2 % c 7.28 .1987 * 23 t ^ / *

-4^5 = -1024
sin(-1024) = 0.158533
0.158533*1.4 = 0.221947
23+2 = 25
√25 = 5
5--2.8 = 7.8
0.221947/7.8 = 0.0284547
1%2 = 1
cos(1) = 0.540302
7.28*0.1987 = 1.44654
tan(23) = 1.58815
1.44654^1.58815 = 1.79733
0.540302/1.79733 = 0.300614
0.0284547*0.300614 = 0.00855389

Final answer = 0.00855389

====== RUN 4 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: (1987 + 1991) * -1

The Infix expression = (1987 + 1991) * -1
The Postfix expression = 1987 1991 + -1 *

1987+1991 = 3978
3978*-1 = -3978

Final answer = -3978

====== RUN 5 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: (1+(2*((3+(4*5))*6)))

The Infix expression = (1+(2*((3+(4*5))*6)))
The Postfix expression = 1 2 3 4 5 * + 6 * * +

4*5 = 20
3+20 = 23
23*6 = 138
2*138 = 276
1+276 = 277

Final answer = 277