Tag Archives: const

C++ || Char Array – Convert Text Contained In A Character Array From Lower To UPPERCASE

This program demonstrates how to switch text which is contained in a char array from lower to UPPERCASE. This program also demonstrates how to convert all of the text contained in a char array to lower/UPPERCASE.


Character Arrays
While Loops
For Loops
Constant Variables

Using a constant integer value, this program first asks the user to enter in 3 lines of text they wish to convert from lower to UPPERCASE. Upon obtaining the information from the user, the program then converts all the text which was placed into the character array from lower to uppercase in the following order:

(1) Switches the text from lower to UPPERCASE
(2) Converts all the text to UPPERCASE
(3) Converts all the text to lowercase

After each conversion is complete, the program displays the updated information to the screen via cout.

NOTE: On some compilers, you may have to add #include < cstdlib>, #include < cctype>, and #include < cstring> in order for the code to compile.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

Click here to see how cin.getline works.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

Please enter 3 line(s) of text you wish to convert from lower to UPPERCASE:
#1: I StriKe hiM a heAVy bloW.
#2: When cAn the neRve ShinE?
#3: My Programming Notes.

This is what you entered into the system:
Text #1: I StriKe hiM a heAVy bloW.
Text #2: When cAn the neRve ShinE?
Text #3: My Programming Notes.

This is the information switched from lower to UPPERCASE:
Text #1: i sTRIkE HIm A HEavY BLOw.
Text #2: wHEN CaN THE NErVE sHINe?

This is the information converted to all UPPERCASE:

This is the information converted to all lowercase:
Text #1: i strike him a heavy blow.
Text #2: when can the nerve shine?
Text #3: my programming notes.

C++ || Class – A Simple Calculator Implementation Using A Class, Enum List, Typedef & Header Files

The following is another homework assignment which was presented in a programming class, that was used to introduce the concept of the class data structure, which is very similar to the struct data structure.


Header Files - How To Use Them
Class - Data Structure
Enumerated List
Do/While Loop
Passing a Value By Reference
Constant Variables
Atoi - Convert String To Int Value

This is an interactive program which simulates a basic arithmetic calculator, where the user has the option of selecting from 9 modes of operation. Of those modes, the user has the option of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing two numbers together. Also included in the calculator is a mode which deducts percentages from any given variable the user desires, so for example, if the user wanted to deduct 23% from the number 87, the program would display the reduced value of 66.99.

A sample of the menu is as followed:
(Where the user would enter numbers 1-9 to select a choice)

This program was implemented into 3 different files (two .cpp files, and one header file .h). So the code for this program will be broken up into 3 sections, the main file (.cpp), the header file (.h), and the implementation of the functions within the header file (.cpp).

NOTE: On some compilers, you may have to add #include < cstdlib> in order for the code to compile.

======== File #1 Main.cpp ========

======== File #2 CCalc.h. ========

Remember, you need to name the header file the same as the #include from the main.cpp file. This file contains the function declarations, but no implementation of those functions takes place here.

======== File #3 CCalc.cpp. ========

This is the function implementation file for the CCalc.h class. This file can be named anything you wish as long as you #include “CCalc.h”

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) Quit

Please enter a selection: 0

You have entered an invalid command...
Please ENTER to try again.

Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) Quit

Please enter a selection: 2

Please enter a new value to assign: 2

Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) Quit

Please enter a selection: 3

The current value is: 2

Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) Quit

Please enter a selection: 4

The current value is: 2

Please enter a number to be added to 2: 2

2 + 2 = 4

Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) Quit

Please enter a selection: 5

The current value is: 4

Please enter a number to be subtracted from 4: 6

4 - 6 = -2

Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) Quit

Please enter a selection: 6

The current value is: -2

Please enter a divisor to be divided by -2: -2

-2 ÷ -2 = 1

Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) Quit

Please enter a selection: 7

The current value is: 1

Please enter a number to be multiplied by 1: 87

1 x 87 = 87

Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) Quit

Please enter a selection: 8

The current value is: 87

Please enter a percentage to be deducted from 87: 23

23% off of 87 is 66.99

Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) Quit

Please enter a selection: 9

Calculator will now quit


C++ || Struct – Add One Day To Today’s Date Using A Struct

This program displays more practice using the structure data type, and is very similar to another program which was previously discussed here.


Passing a Value By Reference
Integer Arrays
Constant Variables
Boolean Expressions

This program utilizes a struct, which is very similar to the class concept. This program first prompts the user to enter the current date in mm/dd/yyyy format. Upon obtaining the date from the user, the program then uses a struct implementation to simply add one day to the date which was entered by the user. If the day that was entered into the program by the user falls on the end of the month, the program will”roll over” the incremented date into the next month. If the user enters 12/31/2012, the program will “roll over” the incremented date into the next calendar year.

NOTE: On some compilers, you may have to add #include < cstdlib> in order for the code to compile.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output:
Note: The code was compiled 6 separate times to display the different outputs its able to produce

Please enter today's date in mm/dd/yyyy format: 1/18/2012
The next day is 1/19/2012

Please enter today's date in mm/dd/yyyy format: 7/31/2012
The next day is 8/1/2012

Please enter today's date in mm/dd/yyyy format: 2/28/2012
The next day is 3/1/2012

Please enter today's date in mm/dd/yyyy format: 13/5/2012
Invalid input...
Program exiting....

Please enter today's date in mm/dd/yyyy format: 2/31/2012
Invalid day input - There is no such date for the selected month.
Program exiting....

Please enter today's date in mm/dd/yyyy format: 12/31/2012
The next day is 1/1/2013

C++ || Find The Average Using an Array – Omit Highest And Lowest Scores

This page will consist of two programs which calculates the average of a specific amount of numbers using an array.


Float Data Type
Constant Values
For Loops
Assignment Operators
Basic Math


The first program is fairly simple, and it was used to introduce the array concept. The program prompts the user to enter the total amount of numbers they want to find the average for, then the program displays the answer to them via cout.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

Notice the array declaration on line #9. The type of array being used in this program is a static array, which has the ability to store up to 100 integer elements in the array. You can change the number of elements its able to store to a higher or lower number if you wish.

Notice line 17-22 contains a for loop, which is used to actually store the data inside of the array. Without some type of loop, it is virtually impossible for the user to input data into the array; that is, unless you want to add 100 different cout statements into your code asking the user to input data. Line 21 uses the assignment operator “+=” which gives us a running total of the data that is being inputted into the array. Note the loop only stores as many elements as the user so desires, so if the user only wants to input 3 numbers into the array, the for loop will only execute 3 times.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output:

How many numbers do you want to find the average for?: 5
Enter #1 : 23
Enter #2 : 17
Enter #3 : 29
Enter #4 : 14
Enter #5 : 16
The average of the 5 numbers is 19.8


The second program is really practical in a real world setting, specifically when a teacher records test scores into the computer. We were asked to create a program for a fictional competition which had 6 judges. The 6 judges each gave a score of the performance for a competitor in a competition, (i.e a score of 1-10), and we were asked to find the average of those scores, omitting the highest/lowest results. The program was to store the scores into an array, display the scores back to the user via cout, display the highest and lowest scores among the 6 obtained, display the average of the 6 scores, and finally display the average adjusted scores omitting the highest and lowest result.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

A constant variable was declared and used to initialize the array (line 8). Note, when using static arrays, the program has to know how many elements to initialize the program with before the program starts, so creating a constant variable to do that for us is convenient.

Once again loops were used to traverse the array, as noted on lines 16, 23, 30, 53, and 70. The const variable was also used within the for loops, making it easier to modify the code if its necessary to reduce or increase the number of available judges.


This is noted on lines 34-44, and it is really simple to understand the process once you see the code.


Lines 70-78 highlight this process, and the loop basically traverses the array, skipping over the highest/lowest elements

Once compiled, you should get this as your output:

Judges, enter one score each for
the current competitor: 123 453 -789 2 23345 987

These are the scores from the 6 judges:
The score for judge #1 is: 123
The score for judge #2 is: 453
The score for judge #3 is: -789
The score for judge #4 is: 2
The score for judge #5 is: 23345
The score for judge #6 is: 987

These are the highest and lowest scores:
Highest: 23345
Lowest: -789
The average score is: 4020.17
The average adjusted score omitting the highest and lowest result is: 391.25