Tag Archives: functions
C++ || Class – A Simple Calculator Implementation Using A Class, Enum List, Typedef & Header Files

The following is another homework assignment which was presented in a programming class, that was used to introduce the concept of the class data structure, which is very similar to the struct data structure.
Header Files - How To Use Them
Class - Data Structure
Enumerated List
Do/While Loop
Passing a Value By Reference
Constant Variables
Atoi - Convert String To Int Value
This is an interactive program which simulates a basic arithmetic calculator, where the user has the option of selecting from 9 modes of operation. Of those modes, the user has the option of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing two numbers together. Also included in the calculator is a mode which deducts percentages from any given variable the user desires, so for example, if the user wanted to deduct 23% from the number 87, the program would display the reduced value of 66.99.
A sample of the menu is as followed:
(Where the user would enter numbers 1-9 to select a choice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
Calculator Options: 1) Clear Calculator 2) Set Initial Calculator Value 3) Display The Current Value 4) Add 5) Subtract 6) Divide 7) Multiply 8) Percentage Calculator 9) Quit Please enter a selection: |
This program was implemented into 3 different files (two .cpp files, and one header file .h). So the code for this program will be broken up into 3 sections, the main file (.cpp), the header file (.h), and the implementation of the functions within the header file (.cpp).
NOTE: On some compilers, you may have to add #include < cstdlib> in order for the code to compile.
======== File #1 Main.cpp ========
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// ============================================================================ // This program tests the CCalc class. A loop is entered where the user is // prompted for a simple mathematical operation to be performed by the CCalc // class. The user is allowed to manipulate the calculator until they // indicate they wish to quit. // ============================================================================ #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include "CCalc.h" using namespace std; // defined constants const int LENGTH = 81; // function prototypes void DisplayMenu(); void HandleMenuSelection(CCalc &calcObject, int menuItem); // enumerated list enum MenuChoice { ITEM_CLEAR = 1 , ITEM_SET_VALUE = 2 , ITEM_DISPLAY_VALUE = 3 , ITEM_ADD = 4 , ITEM_SUBTRACT = 5 , ITEM_DIVIDE = 6 , ITEM_MULTIPLY = 7 , ITEM_PERCENT = 8 , ITEM_QUIT = 9}; // ==== main ================================================================== // // ============================================================================ int main() { // variable declarations CCalc calculator; // 'calculator' is an accessor to the 'CCalc' class char myString[LENGTH]; int menuItem=0; // initialize the calculator calculator.SetCurrentValue(0); // loop and let the user manipulate the calculator do{ // display the menu and get the user selection DisplayMenu(); cout << "nPlease enter a selection: "; cin.getline(myString, LENGTH); // convert the ascii string into an integer menuItem = atoi(myString); // creates a line seperator after each task is executed cout<<setfill('-'); cout<<left<<setw(30)<<""<<right<<setw(30)<<""<<endl; // handle the menu selection HandleMenuSelection(calculator, menuItem); cout <<endl; // creates a line seperator after each task is executed cout<<setfill('-'); cout<<left<<setw(30)<<""<<right<<setw(30)<<""<<endl; // ensures the menu isnt displayed twice on the screen if(menuItem!=1 && menuItem!=3 && menuItem!=9) { cin.ignore(); } }while(menuItem!=ITEM_QUIT); cout << "nBye....n"; return 0; } // end of "main" // ==== DisplayMenu =========================================================== // // This function displays the menu of options to stdout. // // Input: nothing // // Output: nothing // // ============================================================================ void DisplayMenu() { cout << "Calculator Options:" << endl; cout << " 1) Clear Calculator" << endl; cout << " 2) Set Initial Calculator Value" << endl; cout << " 3) Display The Current Value" << endl; cout << " 4) Add" << endl; cout << " 5) Subtract" << endl; cout << " 6) Divide" << endl; cout << " 7) Multiply" << endl; cout << " 8) Percentage Calculator" << endl; cout << " 9) Quit" << endl; } // end of "DisplayMenu" // ==== HandleMenuSelection =================================================== // // This function handles the menu selection by examining the input integer // value and calling the appropriate function. // // Input: // calculator -- a reference to the CCalc class // // menuItem -- an integer representing the current menu selection // // Output: // The desired user selection // // ============================================================================ void HandleMenuSelection(CCalc &calculator, int menuItem) { double currentValue = 0; double prevNum = calculator.GetPreviousValue(); // checks to see which user defined selection the calculator will execute // as defined in the enum list located above the main function. // A switch would be more practical to be used here, but i wasnt // comfortable yet using switches when this program was initially made if (menuItem == ITEM_CLEAR) { cout << "nThe current value is " << calculator.Clear() << endl; } // set a initial value else if (menuItem == ITEM_SET_VALUE) { cout << "nPlease enter a new value to assign: "; cin >> currentValue; calculator.SetCurrentValue(currentValue); } // display current value else if (menuItem == ITEM_DISPLAY_VALUE) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } // add current number by another number else if (menuItem == ITEM_ADD) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a number to be added to "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; calculator.Add(currentValue); cout << "n"<<prevNum<<" + "<<currentValue<<" = "<< calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } // subtract current number by another number else if (menuItem == ITEM_SUBTRACT) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a number to be subtracted from "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; calculator.Subtract(currentValue); cout << "n"<<prevNum<<" - "<<currentValue<<" = " << calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } // divide current value by another number else if (menuItem == ITEM_DIVIDE) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a divisor to be divided by "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; if (currentValue == 0) { cout << "nSorry, division by zero is not allowed...nPlease press ENTER to continue..."; cin.get(); } else { calculator.Divide(currentValue); cout << "n"<<prevNum<<" "<<char(246)<<" "<<currentValue<<" = " << calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } } // multiply current value by another number else if (menuItem == ITEM_MULTIPLY) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a number to be multiplied by "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; calculator.Multiply(currentValue); cout << "n"<<prevNum<<" x "<<currentValue<<" = " << calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } // convert value to decimal percent else if (menuItem == ITEM_PERCENT) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a percentage to be deducted from "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; cout << "n"<<currentValue<<"% off of "<<prevNum<<" is " << calculator.GetPercentage(currentValue) <<endl; } // quit program else if (menuItem == ITEM_QUIT) { cout << "nCalculator will now quit"; } // user entered an invalid choice else { cout << "nYou have entered an invalid command...nPlease press ENTER to try again."; } } // http://programmingnotes.org/ |
======== File #2 CCalc.h. ========
Remember, you need to name the header file the same as the #include from the main.cpp file. This file contains the function declarations, but no implementation of those functions takes place here.
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// ============================================================================ // File: CCalc.h // ============================================================================ // This is the header file for the CCalc class. // ============================================================================ #ifndef CCALC_HEADER #define CCALC_HEADER // a typedef statement to create a synonym for // the 'double' data type named "CCalcType" typedef double CCalcType; class CCalc // this is the 'CCalc' class declaration { public: // constructor CCalc(); // initializes variables // member functions void Add(CCalcType value); // adds numbers together CCalcType Clear(); // clears the current number in the calculator void Divide(CCalcType value); // divides numbers together CCalcType DisplayCurrentValue(); // displays the current value in the calculator CCalcType GetPreviousValue(); // returns the previous value in the calculator CCalcType GetPercentage(CCalcType value); // deducts a user specified percentage of a given value void Multiply(CCalcType value); // multiplies numbers together void SetCurrentValue(CCalcType value); // set a current value in the calculator void Subtract(CCalcType value); // subtracts two numbers together // destructor ~CCalc(); // deletes any variables contained in the class private: CCalcType m_total; // private variable used within the program }; #endif // CCALC_HEADER -- http://programmingnotes.org/ |
======== File #3 CCalc.cpp. ========
This is the function implementation file for the CCalc.h class. This file can be named anything you wish as long as you #include “CCalc.h”
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// ============================================================================ // File: CCalc.cpp // ============================================================================ // This is the function implementation file for the CCalc.h class. // ============================================================================ #include <iostream> #include "CCalc.h" using namespace std; CCalc::CCalc() // this is the constructor { m_total = 0; }// end of CCalc void CCalc::Add(CCalcType value) { m_total += value; }// end of Add CCalcType CCalc::Clear() { m_total = 0; return m_total; }// end of Clear void CCalc::Divide(CCalcType value) { m_total /= value; }// end of Divide CCalcType CCalc::DisplayCurrentValue() { return m_total; }// end of DisplayCurrentValue CCalcType CCalc::GetPreviousValue() { return m_total; }// end of GetPreviousValue void CCalc::Multiply(CCalcType value) { m_total *= value; }// end if Multiply void CCalc::SetCurrentValue(CCalcType value) { m_total = value; }// end of SetValue void CCalc::Subtract(CCalcType value) { m_total -= value; }// end of Subtract CCalcType CCalc::GetPercentage(CCalcType value) { CCalcType percent= value/100; CCalcType tempTotal = m_total; tempTotal *= percent; m_total -= tempTotal; return m_total; }// end of GetPercentage CCalc::~CCalc() // this is the destructor { m_total = 0; }// http://programmingnotes.org/ |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
Once compiled, you should get this as your output
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 0
------------------------------------------------------------You have entered an invalid command...
Please ENTER to try again.
------------------------------------------------------------Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 2
------------------------------------------------------------Please enter a new value to assign: 2
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 3
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 2
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 4
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 2
Please enter a number to be added to 2: 2
2 + 2 = 4
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 5
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 4
Please enter a number to be subtracted from 4: 6
4 - 6 = -2
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 6
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: -2
Please enter a divisor to be divided by -2: -2
-2 ÷ -2 = 1
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 7
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 1
Please enter a number to be multiplied by 1: 87
1 x 87 = 87
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 8
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 87
Please enter a percentage to be deducted from 87: 23
23% off of 87 is 66.99
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 9
------------------------------------------------------------Calculator will now quit
C++ || Modulus – Celsius To Fahrenheit Conversion Displaying Degrees Divisible By 10 Using Modulus

This page will consist of two simple programs which demonstrate the use of the modulus operator (%).
Do/While Loop
Simple Math - Divisibility
Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion
Take a simple arithmetic problem: what’s left over when you divide an odd number by an even number? The answer may not be easy to compute, but we know that it will most likely result in an answer which has a decimal remainder. How would we determine the divisibility of a number in a programming language like C++? That’s where the modulus operator comes in handy.
To have divisibility means that when you divide the first number by another number, the quotient (answer) is a whole number (i.e – no decimal values). Unlike the division operator, the modulus operator (‘%’), has the ability to give us the remainder of a given mathematical operation that results from performing integer division.
To illustrate this, here is a simple program which prompts the user to enter a number. Once the user enters a number, they are asked to enter in a divisor for the previous number. Using modulus, the program will determine if the second number is divisible by the first number. If the modulus result returns 0, the two numbers are divisible. If the modulus result does not return 0, the two numbers are not divisible. The program will keep re-prompting the user to enter in a correct choice until a correct result is obtained.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 |
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // declare variables int base=0; int userInput=0; double multiple =0; // get first number cout <<"Please enter a value: "; cin >> base; // get second number cout << "nPlease enter a factor of "<<base<<": "; cin >> userInput; do{ // loop will keep going until the user enters a correct answer // this is the modulus declaration, which will find the // remainder between the 2 numbers multiple = base % userInput; // if the modulus result returns 0, the 2 numbers // are divisible if (multiple == 0) { cout <<"nCorrect! " << base << " is divisible by " << userInput <<endl; cout <<"n("<< base << "/" << userInput <<") = "<<(base/userInput)<<endl; } // if the user entered an incorrect choice, promt an error message else { cout << "nIncorrect, " << base <<" is not divisible by " << userInput <<".nPlease enter a new multiple integer for that value: "; cin >> userInput; } }while(multiple != 0); // ^ loop stops once user enters correct choice return 0; }// http://programmingnotes.org/ |
The above program determines if number ‘A’ is divisible be number ‘B’ via modulus. Unlike the division operator, which does not return the remainder of a number, the modulus operator does, thus we are able to find divisibility between two numbers.
To demonstrate the above code, here is a sample run:
Please enter a value: 21
Please enter a factor of 21: 5Incorrect, 21 is not divisible by 5.
Please enter a new multiple integer for that value: 7Correct! 21 is divisible by 7
(21/7) = 3
Now that we understand how modulus works, the second program shouldn’t be too difficult. This function first prompts the user to enter in an initial (low) value. After the program obtains the low value from the user, the program will ask for another (high) value. After it obtains the needed information, it displays all the degrees, from the range of the low number to the high number, which are divisible by 10. So if the user enters a low value of 3 and a high value of 303, the program will display all of the Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees within that range which are divisible by 10.
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; // function prototype double ConvertCelsiusToFahrenheit(int degree); int main() { // declare variables int low=0; int high=0; double degreeFahrenhiet =0; double multiple =0; // get data from user cout << "Enter a low number: "; cin >> low; cout << "nEnter a high number: "; cin >> high; // displays data back to user in table form cout <<"nCelsius Fahrenheit:n"; cout << low << "t" << ConvertCelsiusToFahrenheit(low)<<endl; ++low; // this loop displays all the degrees that are divisible by 10 do{ // this converts the current number from celsius to fahrenhiet degreeFahrenhiet = ConvertCelsiusToFahrenheit(low); // this is the modulus operation which finds the // numbers which are divisible by 10 multiple = low % 10; // the program will only display the degrees to the user via // cout which are divisible by 10 if(multiple ==0) { cout << low << "t" << degreeFahrenhiet<<endl; } // this increments the current degree number by 1 ++low; }while(low < high); // ^ loop stops once the 'low' variable reaches the 'high' variable // displays the 'high' converted degrees to the user cout << high << "t" << ConvertCelsiusToFahrenheit(high)<<endl; return 0; }// end of main // function declaration which returns the converted celsius to fahrenhiet value double ConvertCelsiusToFahrenheit(int degree) { return ((1.8 * degree) + 32.0); }// http://programmingnotes.org/ |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
Once compiled, you should get this as your output
Enter a low number: 3
Enter a high number: 303Celsius Fahrenheit:
C++ || Input/Output – Using An Array, Sort Names From a Text File & Save The Sorted Names To A New Text File

Since we previously discussed how to sort numbers which is contained in an integer array, it is only fitting that we display a program which sorts characters that are stored in a character array.
This is an interactive program which first displays a menu to the user, allowing them to choose from 6 different modes of operation. The 6 options are described as followed:
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit
From the available choices, the user has the option of reading in names from a file, manually entering in names themselves, displaying the current names in the array, sorting the current names in the array, clearing the current names in the array, and finally quitting the program. When the user chooses to quit the program, whatever data which is currently stored within the array will automatically be saved to the output text file.
Character Arrays
2D Arrays
Working With Files
Pass By Reference
While Loops
For Loops
Bubble Sort
Switch Statements
Boolean Expressions
The data file that is used in this example can be downloaded here.
Note: In order to read in the data .txt file, you need to save the .txt file in the same directory (or folder) as your .cpp file is saved in. If you are using Visual C++, this directory will be located in
Documents > Visual Studio 2010 > Projects > [Your project name] > [Your project name]
NOTE: On some compilers, you may have to add #include < cstdlib> and #include < cstring> in order for the code to compile.
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#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; // const variable indicating how many names the array can hold const int TOTALNAMES = 100; // function prototypes void DisplayMenu(); int ReadInData(char names[][50], ifstream &infile); void GetUserData(char names[][50], int numberOfNames); void ClearArray(char names[][50], int numberOfNames); void SortArray(char names[][50], int numNames); void DisplayArray(char names[][50], int numNames); void SaveArrayToFile(char names[][50], int numberOfNames, ofstream &outfile); int main() { // declare variables ifstream infile; ofstream outfile; char names[TOTALNAMES][50]; char userResponse = 'Q'; int numberOfNames = 0; // display menu to user DisplayMenu(); cin >> userResponse; // keep looping thru the menu until the user // selects Q (Quit) while(toupper(userResponse)!='Q') { // switch statement indicating the available choices // the user has to make switch(toupper(userResponse)) { case 'R': numberOfNames = ReadInData(names, infile); break; case 'E': cout << "nPlease enter the number of names you want to sort: "; cin >> numberOfNames; GetUserData(names,numberOfNames); break; case 'D': DisplayArray(names, numberOfNames); break; case 'C': ClearArray(names,numberOfNames); numberOfNames=0; break; case 'S': SortArray(names, numberOfNames); break; case 'Q': break; default: cout << "nThe selected option is not apart of the list!nPlease try again.."; break; } // creates a line seperator after each task is executed cout<<endl; cout.fill('-'); cout<<left<<setw(30)<<""<<right<<setw(30)<<""<<endl; // re-display's the menu to the user DisplayMenu(); cin >> userResponse; } // after the user is finished manipulating the // data, save the names to the output file SaveArrayToFile(names, numberOfNames, outfile); return 0; }// end of main // ============================================================================ // displays options to user void DisplayMenu() { cout<<" Welcome to the name sorting program..."; cout<<"nFrom the following menu, select an option"; cout<<"nR - Read in names from a file for sorting"; cout<<"nE - Enter in names manually for sorting"; cout<<"nD - Display the current names in the array"; cout<<"nS - Sort the current names in the array"; cout<<"nC - Clear the current names in the array"; cout<<"nQ - Quitn"; cout<<"n>> "; }// end of DisplayMenu // ============================================================================ // reads in data from a file int ReadInData(char names[][50], ifstream &infile) { int numberOfNames=0; // open input file infile.open("INPUT_UNSORTED_NAMES_programmingnotes_freeweq_com.txt"); if(infile.fail()) { cout<<"Input file could not be found!n" <<"Please place the input file in the correct directory.."; return 0; } else { cout << "nReading in data from the file..."; while(infile.good()) { infile >> names[numberOfNames]; ++numberOfNames; } cout << "nSuccess!"; } infile.close(); // close the infile once we are done using it return numberOfNames; }// end of ReadInData // ============================================================================ // gets data from user (names) for direct input void GetUserData(char names[][50], int numberOfNames) { cout << "nPlease enter "<<numberOfNames<<" names" << endl; for(int index=0; index < numberOfNames; ++index) { cout<<"nName #"<<index+1<<": "; cin >> names[index]; } }// end of GetUserData // ============================================================================ // clears the data contained in the array void ClearArray(char names[][50], int numNames) { if(numNames==0) { cout<<"nThe array is currently empty!n"; } else { cout<<"nDeleting the data contained in the array..."; for(int index=0; index < numNames; ++index) { strcpy(names[index],""); } cout << "nClearing Complete!"; } }// end of ClearArray // ============================================================================ // sorts the array via 'bubble sort' void SortArray(char names[][50],int numNames) { bool sorted = false; char temp[50]; if(numNames==0) { cout<<"nThe array is currently empty!n"; } else { cout << "nSorting the names contained in the array..."; // this is the 'bubble sort' and will execute only // if there is more than 1 name contained within the array // If there is only one name contained in the array, // there is no need to sort anything while((sorted == false) && (numNames > 1)) { sorted = true; for (int index=0; index < numNames-1; ++index) { if (strcmp(names[index], names[index+1]) > 0) { strcpy(temp,names[index]); strcpy(names[index], names[index+1]); strcpy(names[index+1], temp); sorted = false; } } } cout << "nSuccess!"; } }// end of SortArray // ============================================================================ // saves the current data which is in the arrya to the output file void SaveArrayToFile(char names[][50], int numberOfNames, ofstream &outfile) { // open output file outfile.open("OUTPUT_SORTED_NAMES_programmingnotes_freeweq_com.txt"); if(outfile.fail()) { cout<<"Error creating output file!"; return; } else { if(numberOfNames==0) { cout<<"nThe array contained no names.nThere was no data to save to the output file...n"; outfile<<"The array contained no names.nThere was no data to save to the output file...n"; } else { cout<<"nSaving the current contents of the array to the ouptut file.."; outfile<<"Sorted items which were contained within the array..n"; for(int index=0; index < numberOfNames; ++index) { outfile <<"Name #"<<index+1<<": " << names[index]<<endl; } cout << "nSuccess!n"; } } outfile.close(); }// end of SaveArrayToFile // ============================================================================ // displays the current contents of the array to the user // via cout void DisplayArray(char names[][50], int numNames) { if(numNames==0) { cout<<"nThe array is currently empty!n"; } else { cout << "nThe values in the array are:n"; for (int index=0; index < numNames; ++index) { cout << names[index] << endl; } cout<<"nThere is currently "<<numNames<<" names in the array!n"; } }// http://programmingnotes.org/ |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
Once compiled, you should get this as your output
(Remember to include the input file)
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> d
The array is currently empty!
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> q
The array contained no names.
There was no data to save to the output file...------------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> e
Please enter the number of names you want to sort: 3
Please enter 3 names
Name #1: My
Name #2: Programming
Name #3: Notes------------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> d
The values in the array are:
NotesThere is currently 3 names in the array!
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> s
Sorting the names contained in the array...
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> d
The values in the array are:
ProgrammingThere is currently 3 names in the array!
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> c
Deleting the data contained in the array...
Clearing Complete!
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> r
Reading in data from the file...
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> d
The values in the array are:
LoveThere is currently 100 names in the array!
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> s
Sorting the names contained in the array...
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> d
The values in the array are:
ZooThere is currently 100 names in the array!
Welcome to the name sorting program...
From the following menu, select an option
R - Read in names from a file for sorting
E - Enter in names manually for sorting
D - Display the current names in the array
S - Sort the current names in the array
C - Clear the current names in the array
Q - Quit>> q
Saving the current contents of the array to the ouptut file..
C++ || Find The Day Of The Week You Were Born Using Functions, String, Modulus, If/Else, & Switch

This program displays more practice using functions, modulus, if and switch statements.
If/Else Statements
Switch Statements
Knowledge of Leap Years
A Calendar
This program prompts the user for their name, date of birth (month, day, year), and then displays information back to them via cout. Once the program obtains selected information from the user, it will use simple math to determine the day of the week in which the user was born, and determine the day of the week their current birthday will be for the current calendar year. The program will also display to the user their current age, along with re-displaying their name back to them.
NOTE: On some compilers, you may have to add #include < cstdlib> in order for the code to compile.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 |
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // a const variable containing the current year const int CURRENT_YEAR = 2012; // function prototypes string GetNameOfMonth(int numOfMonth); int GetLastTwoDigits(int fourDigitYear); string GetDayOfWeek(int numOfMonth, int lastTwoDigits, int numOfDay, int fourDigitYear); int main () { // declare variables string nameOfMonth = " ", dayOfWeek = " ", userName = " ", dayOfWeekCurrentYear = " " ; int numOfMonth=0, numOfDay=0, fourDigitYear=0, lastTwoDigits=0, lastTwoDigitsCurrentYear; // user inputs data cout << "Please enter your name: "; cin >> userName; cout << "nPlease enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): "; cin >> numOfMonth; // converts the number the user inputted from above ^ // into a literal month name (i.e month #1 = January) nameOfMonth = GetNameOfMonth(numOfMonth); // user inputs data cout << "nPlease enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): "; cin >> numOfDay; // checks to see if user entered valid data if (numOfDay < 1 || numOfDay > 31) { cout << "nYou have entered an invalid number of day. " << "Please enter a valid number." << endl << endl; exit(1); } // user inputs data cout << "nPlease enter the year you were born (between 1900 and 2099): "; cin >> fourDigitYear; cout << endl << endl; // checks to see if user entered valid data if (fourDigitYear < 1900 || fourDigitYear > 2099) { cout << "You have entered an invalid year. " << "Please enter a valid year." << endl << endl; exit(1); } // gets the las two digits in which the user was born // (i.e 1999: last two digits = 99) lastTwoDigits = GetLastTwoDigits(fourDigitYear); // gets the las two digits of the current year // (i.e 2012: last two digits = 12) lastTwoDigitsCurrentYear = GetLastTwoDigits(CURRENT_YEAR); // finds the day of the week in which the user was born dayOfWeek = GetDayOfWeek(numOfMonth, lastTwoDigits, numOfDay, fourDigitYear); // finds the day of the week the users current birthday will be this year dayOfWeekCurrentYear = GetDayOfWeek(numOfMonth, lastTwoDigitsCurrentYear, numOfDay, CURRENT_YEAR); // display data to user cout << "Hello " << userName <<". Here are some facts about you!" <<endl; cout << "You were born "<< nameOfMonth << numOfDay << " "<< fourDigitYear << endl; cout << "Your birth took place on a " << dayOfWeek << endl; cout << "This year your birthday will take place on a " << dayOfWeekCurrentYear << endl; cout << "You currently are, or will be " << (CURRENT_YEAR - fourDigitYear) << " years old this year!"<<endl; return 0; }// end of main // converts the number the user inputted from above ^ // into a literal month name (i.e month #1 = January) string GetNameOfMonth(int numOfMonth) { string nameOfMonth = " "; // a switch determining what month the user was born switch(numOfMonth) { case 1: nameOfMonth = "January "; break; case 2: nameOfMonth = "February "; break; case 3: nameOfMonth = "March "; break; case 4: nameOfMonth = "April "; break; case 5: nameOfMonth = "May "; break; case 6: nameOfMonth = "June "; break; case 7: nameOfMonth = "July "; break; case 8: nameOfMonth = "August "; break; case 9: nameOfMonth = "September "; break; case 10: nameOfMonth = "October "; break; case 11: nameOfMonth = "November "; break; case 12: nameOfMonth = "December "; break; default: cout << "You have entered an invalid number of month. nPlease enter a valid number.n" << "Program Terminating.."; exit(1); break; }// end of switch return nameOfMonth ; }// end of GetNamOfMonth // gets the las two digits in which the user was born/current year int GetLastTwoDigits(int fourDigitYear) { if (fourDigitYear >= 1900 && fourDigitYear <= 1999) { return (fourDigitYear - 1900); } else { return (fourDigitYear - 2000); } }// end of GetLastTwoDigits // finds the day of the week in which the user was born/current year string GetDayOfWeek(int numOfMonth, int lastTwoDigits, int numOfDay, int fourDigitYear) { string dayOfWeek = " "; int Total = 0, valueOfMonth = 0; if (numOfMonth == 1) valueOfMonth = 1; else if (numOfMonth == 2) valueOfMonth = 4; else if (numOfMonth == 3) valueOfMonth = 4; else if (numOfMonth == 4) valueOfMonth = 0; else if (numOfMonth == 5) valueOfMonth = 2; else if (numOfMonth == 6) valueOfMonth = 5; else if (numOfMonth == 7) valueOfMonth = 0; else if (numOfMonth == 8) valueOfMonth = 3; else if (numOfMonth == 9) valueOfMonth = 6; else if (numOfMonth == 10) valueOfMonth = 1; else if (numOfMonth == 11) valueOfMonth = 4; else if (numOfMonth == 12) valueOfMonth = 6; else cout <<"nError"; Total = lastTwoDigits / 4; Total += lastTwoDigits; Total += numOfDay; Total += valueOfMonth; // uses the 'Total' variable from above to determine the day // of the week in which you were born if ((fourDigitYear > 2000)&&((numOfMonth != 1)&&(numOfMonth != 2))&&(fourDigitYear != 2004)) { Total = Total + 6; } else if ((fourDigitYear < 2000) && ((numOfMonth == 1) || (numOfMonth == 2))) { Total = Total + 7; } else if ((fourDigitYear == 2000) && ((numOfMonth == 1) || (numOfMonth == 2))) { Total = Total -2; } else if ((fourDigitYear == 2004||fourDigitYear == 2000)&&((numOfMonth != 1)&&(numOfMonth != 2))) { Total = Total -1; } else if ((fourDigitYear % 4 == 0) && (fourDigitYear % 100 == lastTwoDigits) && (fourDigitYear % 400 == lastTwoDigits)) { Total = Total-2; } else if ((fourDigitYear > 2000)&&((numOfMonth == 1)||(numOfMonth == 2))&&(fourDigitYear != 2004)) { Total = Total + 6; } // uses the 'Total' variable from above to determine the day // of the week in which you were born/when you birthday will be this year if (Total % 7 == 1) dayOfWeek = "Sunday"; else if (Total % 7 == 2) dayOfWeek = "Monday"; else if (Total % 7 == 3) dayOfWeek = "Tuesday"; else if (Total % 7 == 4) dayOfWeek = "Wednesday"; else if (Total % 7 == 5) dayOfWeek = "Thursday"; else if (Total % 7 == 6) dayOfWeek = "Friday"; else if (Total % 7 == 0) dayOfWeek = "Saturday"; else cout<< "nError"; return dayOfWeek; }// http://programmingnotes.org/ |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
Once compiled, you should get this as your output:
Note: The code was compiled five separate times to display the different outputs its able to produce
Please enter your name: MyProgrammingNotes
Please enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): 1
Please enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): 1
Please enter the year you were born (between 1900 and 2099): 2012Hello MyProgrammingNotes. Here are some facts about you!
You were born January 1 2012
Your birth took place on a Sunday
This year your birthday will take place on a Sunday
You currently are, or will be 0 years old this year!
---------------------------------------------------------------------Please enter your name: Name
Please enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): 4
Please enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): 2
Please enter the year you were born (between 1900 and 2099): 1957Hello Name. Here are some facts about you!
You were born April 2 1957
Your birth took place on a Tuesday
This year your birthday will take place on a Monday
You currently are, or will be 55 years old this year!
---------------------------------------------------------------------Please enter your name: Name
Please enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): 5
Please enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): 7
Please enter the year you were born (between 1900 and 2099): 1999Hello Name. Here are some facts about you!
You were born May 7 1999
Your birth took place on a Friday
This year your birthday will take place on a Monday
You currently are, or will be 13 years old this year!
---------------------------------------------------------------------Please enter your name: Name
Please enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): 8
Please enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): 4
Please enter the year you were born (between 1900 and 2099): 1983Hello Name. Here are some facts about you!
You were born August 4 1983
Your birth took place on a Thursday
This year your birthday will take place on a Saturday
You currently are, or will be 29 years old this year!
---------------------------------------------------------------------Please enter your name: Name
Please enter the month in which you were born (between 1 and 12): 6
Please enter the day you were born (between 1 and 31): 7
Please enter the year you were born (between 1900 and 2099): 2987You have entered an invalid year. Please enter a valid year.
Press any key to continue . . .