Tag Archives: thread

C++ || Snippet – How To Use Message Queues For Interprocess Communication

The following is sample code which demonstrates the use of the msgsnd, msgrcv, and msgget function calls for use with message queues on Unix based systems.

Message queues are used for interprocess communication. They provide two (or more) separate programs (i.e: sender and receiver) with the ability to interact with eachother. This is ideal because the sender and receiver do not need to interact with the message queue at the same time. Messages can be sent at one point in time, be placed on the queue until the receiver is ready for it, and then be removed at another point in time when the program(s) that service the queue are finally ready to receive a message.

This concept is different from threaded and forked process IPC procedures, which often times process data in a more streamlined manner. Rather than following a strict pattern as to when data is to be sent and received, queuing is a mechanism in which messages are held until the receiving application is ready to process them.

The example on this page demonstrates the above use of a message queue to transfer data between two separate programs. The sending program (client.cpp) sends an integer and string variable to the receiving program (server.cpp), which then displays that received data to the screen.

NOTE: The server program must be ran before the client program!

=== 1. Server.cpp (Receiver) ===

=== 2. Client.cpp (Sender) ===

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

You can view all allocated message queues using the ipcs command. You can delete a message queue from command line using ipcrm -q [KEY SHOWN BY IPCS]. Message queues are a finite resource. If something goes wrong during the execution of your program, you must manually delete all your queues.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

The following is sample output.


The server has started!

Waiting for someone to connect to server id #753664 with the key 1258295474

someNumber = 0 buff = Message queues are awesome!
someNumber = 1 buff = Message queues are awesome!
someNumber = 2 buff = Message queues are awesome!
someNumber = 3 buff = Message queues are awesome!
someNumber = 4 buff = Message queues are awesome!
someNumber = 5 buff = Message queues are awesome!
someNumber = 6 buff = Message queues are awesome!
someNumber = 7 buff = Message queues are awesome!
someNumber = 8 buff = Message queues are awesome!
someNumber = 9 buff = Message queues are awesome!

Server is now shutting down!


Successfully connected to server id #753664 with the key 1258295474

Now sending messages....Sending complete!

C++ || Snippet – Multi-Process Synchronization Producer Consumer Problem Using Threads

The following is sample code which demonstrates the use of POSIX threads (pthreads), aswell as pthread mutex and condition variables for use on Unix based systems.

The use of mutual exclusion (mutex) variables refers to the requirement of ensuring that no two processes or threads are in their critical section at the same time. Here, a critical section refers to the period of time in which a process accesses a shared resource, such as shared memory. This procedure highlights a classic example of a multi-process synchronization problem known as the producer–consumer problem.

The producer–consumer problem describes a scenario in which two processes (the producer and the consumer) share a common resource (i.e: a string buffer). In this scenario, the producer’s job is to generate a piece of data, update that data with the shared resource (the buffer), and repeat. At the same time, the consumer is consuming that shared resource (i.e: removing something from that same buffer) one piece at a time. The problem is to make sure that the producer wont try to manipulate that shared resource (i.e: add data into the buffer) while the consumer is accessing it; and that the consumer wont try to remove data from that shared resource (the buffer) while the producer is updating it.

In this instance, a solution for the producer can be to go to sleep if a synchronization conflict occurs, and the next time the consumer removes an item from the buffer, it can notify the producer to wake up and start to fill the buffer again. In the same way, the consumer can go to sleep when the producer is accessing it. The next time the producer puts data into the buffer, it wakes up the sleeping consumer and the process continues.

The example on this page demonstrates the use of the above solution using the “pthread_mutex_lock()” function call to limit access to the critical section, and the “pthread_cond_wait()” function call to simulate the sleeping process.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

To use pthreads, the compiler flag “-lpthread” must be set.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

The following is sample output:

The Parent is creating the producer and consumer threads..

Produced: 1
Consumed: 1

Produced: 2
Consumed: 2

Produced: 3
Consumed: 3

Produced: 4
Consumed: 4

Produced: 5
Consumed: 5

Produced: 6
Consumed: 6

Both threads have completed and have terminated!

The Parent is now exiting...

C++ || Snippet – How To Create And Use Threads For Interprocess Communication

The following is sample code which demonstrates the use of POSIX threads (pthreads), aswell as the pthread_create, and pthread_join function calls on Unix based systems.

Much like the fork() function call which is used to create new processes, threads are similar in that they too are used for interprocess communication. Threads allow for multi-threading, which is a widespread programming and execution model that allows for multiple threads to exist within the same context of a single program.

Threads share the calling parent process’ resources. Each process has it’s own address space, but the threads within the same process share that address space. Threads also share any other resources within that process. This means that it’s very easy to share data amongst threads, but it’s also easy for the threads to step on each other, which can lead to bad things.

The example on this page demonstrates the use of multiple pthreads to display shared data (an integer variable) to the screen.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

So, what is the difference between fork() processes and thread processes? Threads differ from traditional multitasking operating system processes in that:

• processes are typically independent, while threads exist as subsets of a process
• processes carry considerable state information, whereas multiple threads within a process share state as well as memory and other resources
• processes have separate address spaces, whereas threads share their address space
• processes interact only through system-provided inter-process communication mechanisms.
• Context switching between threads in the same process is typically faster than context switching between processes.

To use pthreads, the compiler flag “-lpthread” must be set.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

The following is sample output:

./Pthread 5

The Parent is creating 5 threads!
The Parent is now waiting for the thread(s) to complete...

Hi, Im thread #1 and this is my id number: 1664468736
Hi, Im thread #2 and this is my id number: 1647683328
Hi, Im thread #3 and this is my id number: 1656076032
Hi, Im thread #4 and this is my id number: 1672861440
Hi, Im thread #5 and this is my id number: 1681254144

All thread(s) are complete and have terminated!

The Parent is now exiting...